Mark Nixon "MuchLoved"

May 29, 2020 / July 2, 2020

Mark Nixon “MuchLoved”

Mark Nixon

G/F & 1/F, 159 Hollywood Road
Central Hong Kong
Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM

Over the Influence is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Mark Nixon in Hong Kong “MuchLoved.”

The selection of 14 photographs from the series includes the famed teddy from the TV show “Mr Bean” along with a stuffed bear that belonged to a close friend of the musician Bono. Each photograph is accompanied by a descriptive paragraph sharing the story of the stuffed animal and their owner. “MuchLoved” will be on view from 28 May – 02 July 2020 from Tuesday – Saturday during the hours of 11 AM – 7 PM. In lieu of an opening reception, the gallery will be open all day on Thursday 28 May 2020 from 11 AM – 7 PM.

When everything was unknown, they were there.

Where anything could happen, they were there.

These repositories of hugs, of fears, of hopes, of tears, of snots and smears.

Alone at night, they were the comforters, when monsters lurked in darkened corners, when raised voices muffled through floors and walls.

These silent witnesses, these constant companions, defenders of innocence.

Their touch, yes, but their smell, that instantly calming, all embalming musk, unique to each, soothing and smoothing the journey from consciousness to un, from purity to im, from infancy to adult-terre.

Sworn to secrecy, unconditionally there, unjudgementally fair and almost always a bear.